Name: Muhanad Abdulla Al Shehhi
ID: H00049313
Section: CYM
My name is Muhanad Abdulla Al Shehhi. I was born in RAK in 1988. Now I am 19 years old. I am going to turn 20 on the 16th of June. I moved to Au Dhabi in September in 1995. Now I live in Shahamah with my family, my parents, two brothers, three sisters and the housemaid. My favorite hobby is football, videogames and riding horses .
In my life as a child I was a crazy boy, because I thought that I am the smartest one in the world and all my ideas were intelligent. I opened machines such as TV, recorders and electronic games…etc and took their spare parts like wire, magnets and batteries….etc to do some stupid experiments, for examples cars, spaceship and satellites. One day, I tried to do some experiments to my bike. The bike had two tires and I want to make it with four tires. I broke my bike and started the work. The first time I failed and my father was very angry because the bike was destroyed. Although my friends were jeering but I didn’t give up and I worked for one week until I did it. My friends were amazed and the next day they came to me to do the same for their bike. When I was a teenager I always thought about the spaceships and planets but my idea was destroyed when my teachers at school told me that it was an impossible and hard job and there is no major for it at the UAE Universities. This was my first time I felt weak and I couldn't do any thing.
In my all life I traveled one time when I was a teenager to KSA for Al Omra with my school teachers and my friends for a week. It was a wonderful week. We prayed in Al Harm and we visited many history places like Ahd Mountain, zam zam spring and the old Souqu…etc. But our journey was ended with horrible problems when all groups of Omara got food poisoning from the hotel food. But thank God nobody died. They took us to the hospital and almost of us felt better. On the last day of trip we bought gifts for our families and we returned to the country with a quite bad feeing.
In my free time I love to play videogames for five or six hours. If I had the chance I would love to join a university to design videogames but those universities are not available in our country because less people think to study it and there is no job available for this major in the UAE. The thinking in the UAE that these are games for children but this is a wrong idea because it is clearly to see what happen to Japan and how they are be one of the important countries on the world. My favorite film is Rocky and my favorite actors are Vin Diesel, Sylvester Stallone and Will Smith. My belief is that the sports are important for all young or old and I didn’t know what will happen if the people stops doing sports, it will be a boring life, and it will cause many problems in the future.
In the second of November in 2004 the UAE lost the man who helps people everywhere, friend of the world and the UAE father he is sheik Zayed Bin Sultan. My life was change a 360 degree. I don’t know what happed and why but this is life people die and babies are born. At first I was upset but after a few days I understood what happed and I continued my life to work in his massage for the world and to keep the UAE improving year by year.
About my future, I want to be an engineer to be clear a civil engineer, because I want to improve our Emirates building to be more technological and to compete with other countries projects. If I could change anything in the UAE I would like to build a train station around the country to make the transport easy and faster, also to make streets less crowded and to eradicate the accidents from the streets. I hope my life change in the future for the best to become an important factor in the society.